
Col. Dany Tirza PhD. offers a series of fascinating lectures on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, from his personal point of view, as one who took part in the negotiations with the Palestinians and shaping the security and physical reality in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem. Dealing with Both sides narratives, facing the security and political Israeli leaders challenges, the attempts to reach political agreements and their collapse, Israeli and Palestinian life in the region and hopes for better future.

Dr. Dany Tirza has given many hundreds of lectures and Public advocacy campaigns in Israel, throughout the United States and Canada, the United Kingdom, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, the Netherlands and more.

Recommended lectures –
• The construction of the security fence – deals with the history of the conflict from the two narratives until the terrorist attack of 2000 – the political considerations and the construction of the security fence on its various components.
• Jerusalem Envelope – focuses on the security challenges in Jerusalem and the fabric of life in the east of the city, the security fence rout and the implications for the lives of Israelis and Palestinians, with an emphasis on the various alternatives and neighborhoods beyond the fence. This lecture is recommended for the advanced, including statesmen and members of the security forces.
• Permanent status agreement between Israel and the Palestinians – presents the various challenges and perceptions, through the issues in dispute, the proposed solutions, the barriers and opportunities. President Trump’s Century Plan, Avraham Initiatives and Agreements.
• Settlements – Are they a complex for a political settlement? – Engaged in the Israeli settlement enterprise in Judea and Samaria, in ideology, in the population, in the legal aspect, in relations with the Palestinians and with the authorities of Israeli law.
• The struggle for “C” areas – deals with attempts by Palestinians and Israelis to establish and shape the map of permanent status, by actions on the ground. This lecture is given in a more in-depth format to legal entities.
• Economic cooperation and the threat of the BDS – tells about the economic ties between Israel and the Palestinians, about employment in Israel and the crossings, about the employment areas and opposition to these ties, about boycotts and their impact on the Israeli and Palestinian economies.
• Border Protection – presents the diverse challenges facing border route planners and transit stations and the security and technological solutions and measures to protect borders in the present and future technological world.

The lectures are in Hebrew or English – tailored to the audience.
The lectures describe the variety of political opinions, without taking a position.
The lectures are accompanied by a presentation.
You can also order lectures using ZOOM and its equivalents.

דן תרזה יוזמות בע"מ

תכנון אסטרטגי , ייעוץ והדרכה

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